Sunday, February 16, 2025

Key Points Every User Should Know About Etsy

Things I Wish I Knew in the Beginning

You Can Sell Most Anything on Etsy

While Etsy is known for handmade and unique items not found in retail stores, it is also known for a trillion other items like T-shirts, makeup, clocks, and so much more.  All you have to do is search on Etsy to see all they sell or click on any of their headers at the top of  Personalized and custom clothing is a big hit. Check out Etsy's policy before deciding what to sell on Etsy.

Etsy is Easy to Use

If you are selling T-shirts for the first time online, I recommend Etsy.  I also use Printify in conjunction with Etsy.  Both tools are user-friendly and easy to learn.  To use Printify, you select a product from their catalog, upload your design, and create a listing.  They provide essential mockups to connect your Etsy store, and what you publish in Printfy will automatically interface with Etsy.

You can edit your listing directly on Etsy to add attributes or other information that is not in Printify.  Printify will produce the mockups, the title, the description, keywords, and shipping information.  

My experience does not dispute or override information from Etsy's Seller Handbook.  Please read the handbook.  This blog just shares my own personal experience.


1.  Include relevant keywords - consider what customers might search for on Etsy.  For example, if you created a St. Patrick's Day t-shirt with a cat and cool sunglasses, they will most likely be looking for a St. Patrick's Day T-shirt (or shirt).  Include the essential keywords in the title towards the front.

2.  Be descriptive - include details on the color, material, sizes, style, and relevant features.  

3.  Keep it concise and informative - avoid overly long titles - Etsy allows 140 characters, but that does not mean you have to use them all.

4.  Highlight the main selling point - what makes your product unique?

5.  Capitalize the first letter of each significant word in the title.

6.  Avoid redundant words, ensuring the words add value to the title and don't repeat keywords

7.  Punctuation - there are differing views, but Etsy says if you use punctuation like dashes or symbols in the title to separate phrases, the search can still read each phrase to match a shopper's search.  I have heard dashes are better than comments.  I use dashes.

Key Tip:  While you will see a long list of keywords in the title that don't make sense, Etsy advises against this or anything that will confuse buyers.

For example, let's say we will create a title for the pattern below.  You will get a list if you ask Copilot or AI for keywords for an Irish St. Patrick's Day shirt.

Don't put them all in the title like this:

St. Patrick's Day Tee - Shamrock St. Paddy's Shirt - Lucky Clover Shirt - Cheerful Irish Shirt - Irish Heritage Tee - Luck of the Irish

A better title would be

Green Shamrock Pattern St Patrick's Day T-shirt - Cotton Crew Neck Shirt - Fun Original Irish Graphic Design

I have my relevant keyword of St Patrick's Day T-shirt, I am being descriptive with the color, material, and style.  I am concise and informative.  I am also highlighting a selling point by emphasizing a one-of-a-kind design.  I capitalized the first letter of each significant word in the title.  I avoided redundant words.

Regularly review your titles using Stats for performance.  Analyze competitors to examples of successful listings.  Experiment with different titles to see which are performing best. 


Mockups: Use the mockups Printify provides and make your own.  Websites like Placeit are designed to help with mockups.  Fmockupst I read, most people suggest having a person mockup, a person wearing your shirt, for t-shirts.  Placeit provides photo models so you can add your design to their pictures.  Others sell templates on Etsy.

Another type of mockup shows the shirt on a flat surface surrounded by other props.

Google creates mockups for Google Shop that show the t-shirt with an actual photograph of something in the background. 

After trying each mockup, I decided to use Google's suggested format.  

Creating mockups takes time when setting up a listing.  I am going to warn you now.  I have not found an easy way to do this.  I have found what is the easiest method of what I have tried.  

I took a screenshot of the mockup Prinmockuprovided from my Etsy listing (after I published it from Printify).  You can also download it from Printify.

Then, I uploaded the shirt to Canva, created a design at 2000 x 2000, selected an element for the background, moved the shirt to the design, removed the background, and then downloaded the mockup.  You can see the mockup of the before-and-after photos.  I agree that taking time to create mockups for listings is a good investment.

I was curious how a shop like Life is Good did its mockups, so I visited its website at Life is Good®: Shop the Official Company Website. I am glad I did. I like how they show the image itself closeup in their mockup.  I will be using that in my mockups from here on out.  That is a good idea!  If you visit their site, they use a plain background, and I wonder if it is because they are a well-known brand.

While thinking about it, I noticed that their descriptions have a good balance of being to the point and informative.  I am gleaning many helpful tips from their website, which I will look at.  Dang, I wish I had seen this earlier.  Definitely a good site to check out.  Plus, I love their shirts.

Best advice: Use quality images and show the product from multiple angles and settings.


1.  Know your audience - tailor your language and style to reach your customers. 

2   Highlight the benefits and features - how will your product improve their life?  How is the product unique?

3.  Use clear and concise language - keep sentences short and to the point.  I started using emojis and realized Google does not like them, so I removed them from my listing.  Instead, I use bullets.

4.  Keywords - use keywords, especially at the beginning of the description.  This will help customers find your produce.  Ensure the keywords flow naturally in your description (e.g., rather than repeat the design title).

5.  Tell a story - everyone loves stories on how and why the product was created or shares customer testimonials.

6.  Use persuasive language - use words to solicit emotion and excitement.  Use action verbs like "experience" or "discover."

7.  Include details - dimensions, materials, usage, and instructions.  Try to anticipate and answer questions your customer may have.

8.  Create a sense of urgency - encourage immediate action:n "limited edition," "only a few options," or "sale for a limited time."

9.  Maintain a consistent tone throughout - remember your branding and values even when writing descriptions.

Click here, and then look at the Item Description for an example.

Etsy Fees and Taxes

The good thing is that Etsy collects your taxes from buyers, which helps.  I will blog about taxes in another blog.  Be aware of the fees when listing your products.  There are listing fees, transaction fees, and payment processing fees.  Understanding these costs is essential for pricing your products effectively.

Customization Options

Customization options are popular and allow buyers to personalize items with names, dates, or specific designs.  This is a great option to provide for your customers; I'll discuss Etsy's policies on prohibited items, copyrights, and trade in an upcoming blog. Askssy also makes it easy to communicate with the community and find support.  We will talk about marketing and search engine optimization (SEO).  More to come!

Growing Your Presence on LInkedIn

Using LinkedIn to Market Your Business

I have known about LinkedIn for years; it is a way to look for jobs, offer your services, and be part of an employer-employee network.  However, I did not realize how LinkedIn can help market your business for free.  For the past few months, I posted things on LinkedIn, but I never really looked into using LinkedIn and the power it held for my business, mainly because I did not have a lot of time.  My focus was setting up my business first before thinking about marketing.  Two months into starting my business, I am learning more about LinkedIn.

First, why should you use LinkedIn?

LinkedIn has over 1.15 billion users online.  By using LinkedIn, you have a mass amount of free marketing available at your fingertips, not to mention the ability to network with others in the business.

You can post about anything, from new designs to videos, to what is happening in your business (for free).  For example, share your milestones with others.  I sent this post when I made my first few sales.
After two months of dedication, I made my first sales this week in my t-shirt shop. With a collection of over 300 designs, I aim to craft engaging and distinctive creations for fellow t-shirt enthusiasts. As I evolve in this journey, I capture my insights and progress on #TShirtDesigns #SmallBusiness #Entrepreneurship

Tips for Setting up LinkedIn

LinkedIn does a good job of directing you how to set up your information.  I encourage you to fill out as much information as you can in order to build a successful network.  Now is the time to advertise all of your skills to the world.  Add your education, your work experience, and everything you can think of to build your profile.  Don't hold back and share your talent.

Should You go Premium?

Linked In offers a one-month trial for free, which allows you to use premiums.  I highly recommend trying it.  One advantage I saw first off was the ability to write with AI.  I was surprised and thrilled at how AI seemed to know and express me on the network.

I opened my profile to let others message me about new opportunities without using InMail credits.  I am curious to see where this goes.

Features of premium include:
  • Being able to see who views your profile
  • Using InMail to contact others outside your network
  • Draft messages with the help of AI
  • Creating posts with AI
  • Getting data and insights from AI
  • Enhancing your profile
  • Expanding your career
  • Networking with others for growth
  • Browsing in secret
  • Engaging in exclusive conversations with experts and business leaders
  • Featuring of profile content
  • Showcasing of services
  • Driving customers to your business with custom buttons
  • Premium profile badge
  • Away message capabilities
  • LinkedIn learning courses
and much more!

I was able to feature my owner profile on my site, expressing who I am and providing information about my business.  I created a button to direct traffic to my Etsy shop.  I used AI to enhance my profile.  I was thrilled to see the difference this made to my presence on LinkedIn.

My Journey

I am starting to use LinkedIn more and more.  By following Life is Good and others who are successful in the t-shirt retail business, I hope to learn information to help me in my own business.  I already see the advantage of seeing what others in my line of work post.  By reading their posts, this gives me ideas of what I should be posting.

As with anything, be authentic and be yourself. You want to build a community of people who align with your values. I recommend not investing in many services, like paying others to write your Etsy listings, create ADs, etc., until you learn about those things and what you can and cannot do. You will be able to do most of the work yourself, especially with the use of AI tools.

In the next few months, I will blog about what I have learned first-hand about LinkedIn, so stay tuned!

As always, if you have tips and things you have learned, please share in the comments.

Setting up Your T-Shirt Shop on Etsy

Two Months in, and I Have Learned a Great Deal 

Tips for Setting up a T-Shirt Shop on Etsy

Setting up your shop for success

1.  Setting up an Etsy Banner

When setting up your shop, invest in a good design.  What do you want customers to see when they visit your shop?  Based on your post, they must decide whether you are a trustworthy seller.  I have made several changes to my site and am trying to get this right, even today.

I highly recommend using Canva. I used Canva to create my Etsy banner. There are many styles and templates to choose from.  After trying many sites to create mock-ups, I also chose Canva.  

Searching other shops will give you ideas for how to set up your banner.  Customer service isessentialt to me, so I wanted to stress that 100% customer satisfaction is guaranteed for my community.

2.  Featured Items

I learned to feature items based on statistics showing what t-shirts visitors most often viewed in my shop.  I let my customers decide what to feature.

4.  Settings - Info & Appearance

Shop Name

In addition to listing your shop name, I suggest using a Motto.  For example, for the shop name, I show "Joyify Tees: Wear Your Happy."  

Etsy Order Receipt Banner

Today, I learned about an Etsy order receipt banner.  This graphic appears on the printed receipt after you make a sale.  I will add this today as it is a form of branding that allows you to promote your shop and thank customers for their purchase.  I also think I will offer a return customer discount for future purchases.


Definitely link your shop to Facebook and Twitter (now X).  In doing so, you can share items from your shop.  Trust me, social media drives views to your site.

Using a Shop Announcement

Having a shop announcement allows you to communicate directly with your community.  You can add whatever you want others to know, such as how you customize designs. In my case, I can let my community know I can create kids' t-shirts or women's styles in V-neck style. As you get to know your community, you can better understand what you want to communicate on a mass scale.

Set up a Message for Buyers
Exuberant excitement and thank buyers for being a part of your community.  Let them know you received their order and give them a time for when it will shop.  I let my buyers know that we guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.  By telling them that if they have any issues, they should contact you and that you will make it right, you will ward off many issues and hopefully improve your ratings (which drives more sales).

4.  Settings - About Your Shop

Shop Members

Tell your customers who work in your business.  Welcome them and express gratitude that they took the time to visit your shop.  Add a note on why your shop is unique from others.  "Welcome to Joyify Tees!  We are so glad you're here.  Explore our collection of fun, stylish, and comfortable tees designed to bring a little joy to your wardrobe.  Find your perfect fit and express your unique style!"

Shop Story

Share your story.  Let them know why you are in business.  What are your values?  What is your own style?  Why did you start your business?  What do customers mean to you?  Are you willing to partner with customers to make life better for you and your business?

Shop Video

Canva makes creating videos easy! I created this video as my shop video and videos for my listings using Canva.

Shop Photos

I alter these photos often based on the designs I create.  I advise using photos from your featured listings.  You can also highlight your collections by including photos.  For the short caption, let buyers know a little about why you created the design.

Shop Links

Shop links allow you to link to your website and social media links.  We will have a separate blog on the importance of having a social media presence.

We hope you find this information helpful as you set up your Etsy shop.  Please let us know if you have any questions or want further advice by emailing us at

As always, thank you for taking the time to read our blog.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

It All Started with My Husband

My Thought to Start an Online T-Shirt Business Started with my Husband

"Remember how you always told me I should give Etsy another shot?" I looked at my husband, a twinkle in my eye. "Well, I've finally taken your advice to heart!"

He grinned, "Did I say that?" He laughed.  

Working at a full-time job and driving part-time for DoorDash, starting an online business was the last thing on my mind. But the more I thought about it, the more it appealed.

I remember having several Etsy stores a while back, but they were more of a hobby than a business. I loved designing and putting those designs onto t-shirts, clocks, blankets, and other products. However, I never operated them like a business—until now.

Starting my Business

I began my business in December 2024. Rather than start with a business plan, I winged it. I just started. I supposed I had ideas in my mind, but I had nothing on paper. I was familiar with many business concepts, such as branding, marketing, and finding your passion.

A few months later, I have grown expeditiously in my experience.  I will share my journey with you in the hopes of helping you succeed in your endeavors.

Finding your Niche

There is a lot of advice out there for selling online.  Some approach business by researching all the popular niches.  You may be wondering, what are the top niches for selling online?  According to Gemini Google, finding a demand niche with low competition is good. 

Is there a problem I can solve?

We have all seen people on Shark Tank, social media, or TV advertising products that help consumers.  I recently saw a TikTok affiliate selling a magnet-type phone holder that allows creators to film from any direction.  Who knew the sticky note would solve organization and memory issues?  What problems can I solve with my T-shirts?  A major problem I encounter daily is the lack of joy and kindness.  By designing t-shirts with positive, happy images, perhaps I can send some joy and kindness into the world by encouraging my customers to "Wear their Happy."  Nakedness is another problem we all share.  We all need clothes, some more than others, just kidding.

What am I passionate about?

I have tried everything over the years.  I tried nail design, painting, coloring, writing, photography, and baking.  You name it, I have tried it.  A few things have stuck with me: my love for writing, my passion for graphic design, and my love for spreading positivity.

What are others passionate about?  Why would they buy my t-shirt over others?  I hope to serve customers like me who want to share joy. One tip I did not consider that I learned from Google Gemini is to make t-shirts for hobbyists.  That is a great idea!

Should my products be customizable?

Most definitely. We all like to put our personal spin on things. I make all of my designs customizable by changing the colors, adding words, or changing the content. I remember one time creating a blanket with over a hundred pictures for a mom who wanted to support her son in the playoffs. I felt good helping her. That's why I make everything customizable. 

Having Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Products

This thought never occurred to me; I am not going to lie.  I have not been conscious of the environment.  It's not that I don't care; I just never looked into it.  I try not to litter, but I can do much more to help the environment.  I am going to try to learn more about this.  I do know our t-shirts are eco-friendly.  The manufacturer, Gildan, states they make their shirts with respect for the climate, energy, and water.  Their shirts are "made with 100% U.S. Cotton that is sustainably grown and ethically harvested.:

Self-Improvement and Wellness

Self-improvement appeals to me as a lifelong learner. I have grown a lot by delving into my shadow, learning some of my bad traits, and aiming to fix them. I agree with Gemini Google that this area will always have a market.

In Summary

Putting this all together, I think I am on the right path.  I am genuinely excited about designing t-shirts, spreading joy, and enthusiastically connecting with my customers.  While I believe it is essential to seek out emerging trends, finding something you love is more sustainable; that way, work doesn't feel like work.  I tend to get lost in the flow of everything I do for my business.  Whether updating my website, writing my blog, or marketing my products, I love being in the flow.

One thing I did do was make it my own.  While it's easy to do what everyone else does, I wanted to keep my products unique to my personality and talents.  I want to stand out.

I would love to hear your thoughts.  Have you tried Etsy?  Do you sell products online?  Have you ever started a business?  What makes you want to purchase a T-shirt?

I hope that, no, I know I will be thanking my husband for his guidance one day.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Interested in Opening a Shop on Online?

 It's Not Easy, but It's Worth It!

Here are some tips I learned:

1.  Determine your passion

You want to open a side business that excites you and put forth the effort it will take to launch and strive. Rather than look at trends, niches, and other suggestions, pick a niche you enjoy working in. Some people will advise you to pick a less competitive niche, but I suggest not working on the competition.

As suggested by Sabri Suby, think about a store you would be a customer of. I love to wear sweatshirts and T-shirts. I also love graphic design. My highest value is kindness.  When I combined these loves, I started a niche selling T-shirts.

2.  Work on your Brand

As I stated online, you want a consistent brand for your business. However, be flexible, as your brand may change over time. I started with "Real Talk by Kelli" on YouTube, thinking I would speak on life.  

As I explored my passions and realized I was happy designing, I decided to open a t-shirt shop.  I loved "Real Talk" because it spoke to being authentic and true, and I started my brand with "Real Talk T-shirts by Kelli."  

As time passed, I discovered this was not memorable or related to T-shirts.  I then came up with Joyify Tees.  I love this brand because it speaks to the heart of my personality and what I want to give to others.  I want to spark more joy in the world.  I wanted to use colors that brought me joy in the logo.  When developing your brand, develop something that excites you, as you will have this brand throughout the business.

3.  Decide where to house your shop

I decided to use Shopify, Etsy, and Teespring. I will write more articles about the benefits of each.   While Etsy charges a listing fee and fee when others buy your product, the set-up and use are remarkably easy for setting up your store.  Here is a link to my shop on Etsy:  

Shopify is more difficult to navigate, but you have more choices and freedom in being in charge.  Once you get used to using it, it becomes easier.  Visit my shop to see the differences between Shopify and Etsy:

I love Teespring because it easily applies your design to multiple products. I just changed my Teespring link to, so I need to update it

4.  Consider tools that will help you create or design your product

I use,, and Paint 3D to help in my designs.  While it is tempting to design and put these products in your stores straight away, there are many things I learned that you want to consider first.  I will discuss what I learned about each online shop I created in upcoming blogs.

5.  Get organized

Having ADHD, my files and documents were everywhere. I highly recommend using OneNote to organize your business.  I set up sections like Brand, Etsy, Social Media, Tasks, Budget, and Blog.  You can easily link to files, insert pictures, record Brand colors, and have all of the information at your fingertips. Having a Social Media section allowed me to create pages for all my accounts with their links.

6. Establish key items for your business

Consider buying a website domain, getting your business email, and establishing an LLC or starting as a sole proprietor. Many apps, including Google Workspace, can assist you.  Create a business plan (note to self).

7.  Remain flexible and self-compassionate

You may not get everything right in your start-up, but that is okay.  Consider it a learning process.  I guarantee what I know today is way more than I knew in December when I first started.  Enjoy the journey!


Friday, January 3, 2025

The Visual Voice of Your Brand: A Logo Design Guide

Creating a logo can be incredibly challenging. 😅

Even with numerous tools available, my journey hasn’t been easy. I previously set up shops on Etsy as a hobby, but now, as I’m older, I focus on building a business. 💼
Like many things, I tend to start backward and learn the hard way. 

Though I have tools to assist me, I still have a long way to go before getting my business off the ground.  Here’s one of my earlier logos. 🎨

I highly recommend developing your logo early on. Don't be like me and constantly change your logo across a million social media accounts, websites, and emails. 📱 It’s best to settle on one early in your business process.

**Developing My Brand**

I realized the importance of branding last year. 🌟 As I embarked on a new journey, coming out of addiction and starting a new life, I wanted my brand to reflect authenticity and honesty. For the first time, I felt like I truly knew myself, seeing both the good and the bad. Being real, kind, and open to lifelong learning became my highest values. ❤️

This is how I developed the brand "Real Talk by Kelli." I initially started my journey on Facebook and YouTube, eager to share how I emerged from darkness into light. 🌈 One day, my husband suggested I open an Etsy shop again. Remembering all the effort I put into it as a hobby made me hesitant, but I eventually recalled how much I loved designing. Thus, "Real Talk T-Shirts by Kelli" was born. 👕

Are you ready to see another logo? As you can see, it mentions nothing about T-shirts, demonstrating my learning curve. However, I was making progress. 💪

After discovering Canva and other design tools, I began brainstorming design ideas and felt I was getting closer! 🧠

**Maybe My Favorite Color is Blue**

I've always loved blue and yellow, and this time, I included “T-shirt” in the handle. 💙💛 Unfortunately, that logo lasted only a day because I realized it didn’t have an “s” at the end of “T-shirt.” My ADHD brain led me to search for another logo instead of simply adding the “s.” Such is the joy of having ADHD! 🤪

**I Created My Logo!**

Finally, today, I am happy with my logo. 🎉 I used contrasting colors (which I had to look up) and discovered that these are the same as complementary colors. I remember learning about the color wheel back in elementary school. If you look back, I believe you'll agree that my logos have improved over time. 👍

 **Another Tip!** Jot down the hex colors! 🖍️ I used #004360 for the blue.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

My ADHD Brain: Chaos, Creativity & Unexpected Superpowers

This is What it is Really Like to Have ADHD

Living with ADHD is a rollercoaster of unpredictability and excitement!  Each day brings a new adventure, with plans and thoughts shifting instantly.
the human brain
ADHD Brains are Colorful
For example, today, I was going to work on my Real Talk T-shirts by Kelli shop, and my designs for the T-shirts, and then somebody mentioned on my YouTube channel that SEO would really help get my videos out there.
Of course, I went in an entirely new direction, looking at SEO for YouTube, which led me to create a blog about my experience and even a short video on ADHD.  The good thing is that I wrote the title using SEO keywords.

This is just one real-life ADHD experience.  Don't worry; I have a million more I can share.

The ADHD Time Management Struggle is Real (And How I Cope)

One of my most intense struggles is time management.  I often set alarms to keep track of time, especially when I'm engrossed in something that excites me, like working on my blog, creating designs, or working with my social media accounts (yes, I'm everywhere - that's the thought that just popped in my head).

I Don't Know You Tell Me

The rush of dopamine from these activities can lead me to spend hours designing, writing, or creating videos for social media.  This intense focus is why I often find myself late for events, lost in my own world of creativity.

Despite the inevitable distractions, I'm fortunate to have a circle of understanding friends and family.  Their patience and love serve as a constant reminder that I'm not alone in this journey.  I thought of my friend Nancy, which led to immense love and appreciation.

Managing my time is a constant struggle.  I've found that setting alarms and using a calendar to remind me of appointments can be helpful.  I also try to focus and plan to ensure I'm not late.  Even with these strategies and medication, I still find myself missing appointments at times.

ADHD & Habits: My Saving Grace

One thing that helps is getting my body into good habits, as I usually wake up daily and drink coffee.  I will feed my parakeets and give them fresh water, and during the work week, I work on my job, and in the evening, I work on my side business.  So, usually, I have somewhat of an idea of what I will do for the day, but thankfully, because bodies automatically make habits, they are not too chaotic.  Still, I can get easily distracted and start working on something else.

Speaking of habits, I have a lot of bad habits I need to work on (see how I jumped).  Okay, let's keep going.

My ADHD Brain: Task Switching & Accuracy NIGHTMARE   (Relatable?)

I am always jumping around from one thing to another. For example, suppose I'm working on something at work and start thinking about something else e. In that case, I'll switch to another assignment.  There's a lot of switching and back-and-forth, and it's challenging because my brain sometimes struggles with memory and focus. 

 So, I have to double-check my work and ensure its accuracy before I turn it in.  You have to check things because I often make careless mistakes, such as spelling and grammar errors.  This article may contain a ton, but luckily, I use tools like Grammarly to help me.  

Rather than plan how to start a business, I jump in and start a business.  I think this is how it is for most things in my life.  I don't have a set plan; I just jump in, start doing things, and learn the hard way.

"I really should plan more."

Uh-oh, another thought.  I should learn more about planning   See how I get distracted.

ADHD Hyperfocus: The Secret Weapon I Never Knew I Had

With ADHD, I tend to focus on the things I love, so it's always good to be reminded to do things like household chores, take care of my pets, groom them, and not neglect myself.  So, instead of just being immersed in the activities I enjoy and love, I also have to look at all the essential things that need to be done in everyday life.

I now have a calendar and tasks that I keep on Google, which helps me stay on track, but again, I can go in about 20 different directions in a given day.  The other challenge with ADHD is the concept of all due it later, so after cooking a meal, my dishes may sit and pile up, and I think I'll just do it later.  I'm working on identifying why I do what I do and changing who I am.

"Wait, What Was I Buying?" The ADHD Forgetfulness Struggle is REAL

I don't know if any of you have ever struggled with this, but sometimes, I'll go to the grocery store and try to take a list with me.  Sometimes, I don't think, "I wonder if I have ketchup," and I'll buy ketchup.  Then I go home and have three bottles of it in the pantry.  This is another example of how ADHD can work.

ADHD can be a little scary when you're driving because if you're not paying attention, you can go past the line you can even run a light.  There are all sorts of driving dangers, so I try to pay particular attention.  Otherwise, I get distracted so quickly when I drive and see something. 

ADHD squirrel with skateboard
One of my T-Shirt Designs

Speaking of distraction, I can be in one-on-one conversations with people and really try to listen intently, and then somebody else says something across the room.  Something will pop up on the screen, and I intentionally lose focus.  

Or when a person is talking, my brain just thinks of something they're talking about and recollects when I did that.   I'm never really on the topic in conversations and go everywhere.


So yes, ADHD could be very challenging, but it could also be rewarding because we learn many different things, life never gets boring, and we have our hands in about 10 pots simultaneously.  That is the fun part of it.  We can also be very entertaining because many of our actions happen naturally and cause the whole room to laugh.

I think I will go make more ADHD designs! #LivingWithADHD #ADHD #ADHDAwareness