Sunday, February 16, 2025

Setting up Your T-Shirt Shop on Etsy

Two Months in, and I Have Learned a Great Deal 

Tips for Setting up a T-Shirt Shop on Etsy

Setting up your shop for success

1.  Setting up an Etsy Banner

When setting up your shop, invest in a good design.  What do you want customers to see when they visit your shop?  Based on your post, they must decide whether you are a trustworthy seller.  I have made several changes to my site and am trying to get this right, even today.

I highly recommend using Canva. I used Canva to create my Etsy banner. There are many styles and templates to choose from.  After trying many sites to create mock-ups, I also chose Canva.  

Searching other shops will give you ideas for how to set up your banner.  Customer service isessentialt to me, so I wanted to stress that 100% customer satisfaction is guaranteed for my community.

2.  Featured Items

I learned to feature items based on statistics showing what t-shirts visitors most often viewed in my shop.  I let my customers decide what to feature.

4.  Settings - Info & Appearance

Shop Name

In addition to listing your shop name, I suggest using a Motto.  For example, for the shop name, I show "Joyify Tees: Wear Your Happy."  

Etsy Order Receipt Banner

Today, I learned about an Etsy order receipt banner.  This graphic appears on the printed receipt after you make a sale.  I will add this today as it is a form of branding that allows you to promote your shop and thank customers for their purchase.  I also think I will offer a return customer discount for future purchases.


Definitely link your shop to Facebook and Twitter (now X).  In doing so, you can share items from your shop.  Trust me, social media drives views to your site.

Using a Shop Announcement

Having a shop announcement allows you to communicate directly with your community.  You can add whatever you want others to know, such as how you customize designs. In my case, I can let my community know I can create kids' t-shirts or women's styles in V-neck style. As you get to know your community, you can better understand what you want to communicate on a mass scale.

Set up a Message for Buyers
Exuberant excitement and thank buyers for being a part of your community.  Let them know you received their order and give them a time for when it will shop.  I let my buyers know that we guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.  By telling them that if they have any issues, they should contact you and that you will make it right, you will ward off many issues and hopefully improve your ratings (which drives more sales).

4.  Settings - About Your Shop

Shop Members

Tell your customers who work in your business.  Welcome them and express gratitude that they took the time to visit your shop.  Add a note on why your shop is unique from others.  "Welcome to Joyify Tees!  We are so glad you're here.  Explore our collection of fun, stylish, and comfortable tees designed to bring a little joy to your wardrobe.  Find your perfect fit and express your unique style!"

Shop Story

Share your story.  Let them know why you are in business.  What are your values?  What is your own style?  Why did you start your business?  What do customers mean to you?  Are you willing to partner with customers to make life better for you and your business?

Shop Video

Canva makes creating videos easy! I created this video as my shop video and videos for my listings using Canva.

Shop Photos

I alter these photos often based on the designs I create.  I advise using photos from your featured listings.  You can also highlight your collections by including photos.  For the short caption, let buyers know a little about why you created the design.

Shop Links

Shop links allow you to link to your website and social media links.  We will have a separate blog on the importance of having a social media presence.

We hope you find this information helpful as you set up your Etsy shop.  Please let us know if you have any questions or want further advice by emailing us at

As always, thank you for taking the time to read our blog.

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