Sunday, February 16, 2025

Growing Your Presence on LInkedIn

Using LinkedIn to Market Your Business

I have known about LinkedIn for years; it is a way to look for jobs, offer your services, and be part of an employer-employee network.  However, I did not realize how LinkedIn can help market your business for free.  For the past few months, I posted things on LinkedIn, but I never really looked into using LinkedIn and the power it held for my business, mainly because I did not have a lot of time.  My focus was setting up my business first before thinking about marketing.  Two months into starting my business, I am learning more about LinkedIn.

First, why should you use LinkedIn?

LinkedIn has over 1.15 billion users online.  By using LinkedIn, you have a mass amount of free marketing available at your fingertips, not to mention the ability to network with others in the business.

You can post about anything, from new designs to videos, to what is happening in your business (for free).  For example, share your milestones with others.  I sent this post when I made my first few sales.
After two months of dedication, I made my first sales this week in my t-shirt shop. With a collection of over 300 designs, I aim to craft engaging and distinctive creations for fellow t-shirt enthusiasts. As I evolve in this journey, I capture my insights and progress on #TShirtDesigns #SmallBusiness #Entrepreneurship

Tips for Setting up LinkedIn

LinkedIn does a good job of directing you how to set up your information.  I encourage you to fill out as much information as you can in order to build a successful network.  Now is the time to advertise all of your skills to the world.  Add your education, your work experience, and everything you can think of to build your profile.  Don't hold back and share your talent.

Should You go Premium?

Linked In offers a one-month trial for free, which allows you to use premiums.  I highly recommend trying it.  One advantage I saw first off was the ability to write with AI.  I was surprised and thrilled at how AI seemed to know and express me on the network.

I opened my profile to let others message me about new opportunities without using InMail credits.  I am curious to see where this goes.

Features of premium include:
  • Being able to see who views your profile
  • Using InMail to contact others outside your network
  • Draft messages with the help of AI
  • Creating posts with AI
  • Getting data and insights from AI
  • Enhancing your profile
  • Expanding your career
  • Networking with others for growth
  • Browsing in secret
  • Engaging in exclusive conversations with experts and business leaders
  • Featuring of profile content
  • Showcasing of services
  • Driving customers to your business with custom buttons
  • Premium profile badge
  • Away message capabilities
  • LinkedIn learning courses
and much more!

I was able to feature my owner profile on my site, expressing who I am and providing information about my business.  I created a button to direct traffic to my Etsy shop.  I used AI to enhance my profile.  I was thrilled to see the difference this made to my presence on LinkedIn.

My Journey

I am starting to use LinkedIn more and more.  By following Life is Good and others who are successful in the t-shirt retail business, I hope to learn information to help me in my own business.  I already see the advantage of seeing what others in my line of work post.  By reading their posts, this gives me ideas of what I should be posting.

As with anything, be authentic and be yourself. You want to build a community of people who align with your values. I recommend not investing in many services, like paying others to write your Etsy listings, create ADs, etc., until you learn about those things and what you can and cannot do. You will be able to do most of the work yourself, especially with the use of AI tools.

In the next few months, I will blog about what I have learned first-hand about LinkedIn, so stay tuned!

As always, if you have tips and things you have learned, please share in the comments.

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